VB Series Vacuum Bakeout Packages

Bakeout without heating tape or blankets - for vacuum chambers that can take the heat of shortwave IR.

IRB-600 Emitter

The VB Series of vacuum bakeout packages are designed to desorb water vapor from vacuum chambers that can take the high heat of shortwave IR. High-power infrared radiation heats the vacuum chamber from the inside out which simplifies the bakeout process.

The VB Series comprises the IRB-600 IR Emitter and BC-3 Controller.
(If you want to use a Variac to control the IRB-600 IR Emitter or if you will use the BC-3 to control your own heating tape, you can purchase the emitter and controller separately.)

There are two packages available depending on your power requirements:

  • The VB-1 operates on 120 VAC
  • The VB-2 operates on 230 VAC for Europe and Asia.

Both the VB-1 and VB-2 packages include the BC-3 Bakeout Controller, the IRB-600 IR heat emitter, and cables.

VB1 Base Package: Includes 120V BC-3 controller, one 2.75" / 70mm flange-mounted IRB-600 emitter, standard 15ft / 4.6m cable set, J-type thermocouple sensor cable, and power cord. Specify CF or KF flange.
VB2 Base Package: Includes 230V BC-3 controller, one 2.75" / 70mm flange-mounted IRB-600 emitter, standard 15ft / 4.6m cable set, J-type thermocouple sensor cable, and power cord. Specify CF or KF flange.

Optional accessories: Additional IRB-600 emit ter, 40KF mounting flange on emitter, custom length flange to emitter distance (inquire).

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Testimonials and Application Notes

Auburn University FINO Lab

We are a thin film synthesis group employing an unconventional growth technique for MBE that involves metal-organic precursors. The configuration of our chamber makes baking after a vent very difficult, so we got the IRB lamp to make it easier to bake the system after vents and to desorb the water and organic material that comes in from the precursors. The IRB has been great for us, accelerating our pumpdown, lowering our base pressure by a factor of 5, and allowing us to clean the chamber walls after we’ve used the precursors.
We use it regularly and would recommend any group doing CVD, ALD, or metal-organic MBE or who has a difficult-to-bake system to get an IRB.

-Ryan Comes
Assistant Professor of Physics, Auburn University

University of Colorado Boulder

This application note from the ECLIPS Space Environments Simulation Facility in the Autonomous Vehicle Systems (AVS) Laboratory at the University of Colorado Boulder shows how the VB can improve pump-down times dramatically. "Without the bakeout system, it takes over three days to reach the desired pressure. Using the VB-1 bakeout package, this time is reduced to less than one day."

More Testimonials


VB on flange

VB2 being used to pre-condition a UHV- compatible vacuum chamber (manufactured by Nikalyte Ltd.) prior to scientific research,


  • Simplifies the bakeout process
  • Adjustable power regulation
  • Temperature feedback
  • Vacuum interlock
  • Scalable


For surface analysis systems such as X-ray photoelectron and Auger spectrometers, our VB packages provide an easy way to bake out the system without removing all the cables to the optics or covering the chamber with the bakeout blanket. This means that you avoid the need to realign the analyzer focal point and microscope, which saves you hours of time.

For general-purpose vacuum chambers, the VB series Vacuum Bakeout packages provide effective infrared heating of the inside of chamber walls, desorbing water vapor and improving the working vacuum of the chamber.


How it Works

Designed to control both shortwave IR heating emitters and heating tape, the BC-3 vacuum chamber controller provides precise control of heating power, temperature, and bakeout time. The thermocouple sensor that is mounted to the vacuum chamber provides temperature feedback to the controller. The vacuum interlock feature is ideal for preventing excessive water vapor-loading on ion pumped chambers.

Used in conjunction with the IRB-600 shortwave infrared heating emitters, the BC-3 provides high energy power to desorb water vapor in vacuum chambers without the need to remove cables and realign optics, which is necessary with blanket radiant bakeouts. If you are using a Variac transformer to control the AC voltage to existing heat tapes, the BC-3 vacuum chamber bake out controller provides a safe alternative with additional layers of control.

 The IRB-600 shortwave IR emitter assembly provides 600 watts of heating power to the inside of your vacuum chamber. The flange-to-center of the IRB-600’s emitter length can be customized so that the emitter is in the center of your chamber, ensuring more uniform heating. The IRB-600 is available in both 2.75" / 70mm CF and 40 KF flange styles. The BC-3 vacuum chamber bakeout controller can drive two IRB-600 emitters for a total power output of up to 1200 watts.

Demo Units Available

Not sure if the VB-1 or VB-2 will work for your application? Contact us for more information about our rental program. For a nominal rental charge, you can try a VB-series package for 30 days and see if you get the desired results. If so and you decide to purchase the package, then the rental fee is applied to the purchase price.
Please read this FAQ for additional information.

When returning a demo VB-series package to RBD that has been installed in a vacuum chamber please fill out this Non-Contamination Form and return it with the VB-series package.

Installation and Operation Manual

VB Bakeout System Manual


Ordering Information

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Part Number Description
VB1PR Includes 120VAC BC-3 controller, one 2.75" / 70mm flange-mounted IRB600EMI-120PR, standard 15ft / 4.6m cable set and power cord.
Specify 2.75" CF or KF-40 Flange.
VB2PR Includes 230VAC BC-3 controller, one 2.75" / 70mm flange-mounted IRB600EMI-230PR, standard 15ft / 4.6m cable set and power cord.
Specify 2.75" CF or KF-40 Flange.
VB1 Demo/Rental VB1 Vacuum Bakeout Package Demo, BC3, with 120VAC Controller and Emitter. Monthly Rental.Rental fees are applied to purchase price.
BC-3-1PR Vacuum Chamber Bakeout Controller, BC-3, 120VAC
BC-3-2PR Vacuum Chamber Bakeout Controller, BC-3, 230VAC
IRBEMI-120PR IRB Emitter 120VAC 600W (IRB600-120V) for use w/BC3. Includes flange. Specify 2.75" CF or KF-40 Flange. (Cable not included; would need IRBSHV-CA120PR)
IRBEMI-230PR IRB Emitter 230VAC 600W (IRB600-230V) for use w/BC3. Includes flange. Specify 2.75" CF or KF-40 Flange. (Cable not included; would need IRBSHV-CA230PR)
IRBEMI-KIT-120PR IRB-600 emitter 120VAC 600W (IRB600-120V) for use w/BC3 , with standard 15 ft / 4.6m cable set mounted on 2.75" / 70mm flange.
Specify 2.75" CF or KF-40 Flange.
IRBEMI-KIT-230PR IRB-600 emitter 230VAC 600W (IRB600-230V) for use w/BC3, with standard 15 ft / 4.6m cable set mounted on 2.75" / 70mm flange.
Specify 2.75" CF or KF-40 Flange.
IRBLAMP-120PR Replacement Lamp (600W) for 120VAC IRB Emitter. No flange, no cable
IRBLAMP-230PR Replacement Lamp (600W) for 230VAC IRB Emitter. No flange, no cable
IRBSHV-CA120PR IRB SHV Power Plug Cable Assembly, 120V, standard 15 ft / 4.6m cable set
IRBSHV-CA230PR IRB SHV Power Plug Cable Assembly, 230V, standard 15 ft / 4.6m cable set
CBL-THERM-BC-3 J type Thermocouple Cable used with BC-3