Microsoft Windows General Support
All of RBD’s software products (AugerScan/AugerMap for PHI Upgrades, Actuel for the 9103 USB Picoammeter, and CMapp for the microCMA Compact Auger Analyzer) are compatible with the latest version of Microsoft Windows (as of this post, Windows 11).
In general, RBD warranty supports all versions of Windows supported by Microsoft, which are currently Windows 10 and 11. We cannot guarantee support for previous versions, however all our software products are functionally compatible with Windows 7 through 11 with a few exceptions, and we can usually support Windows 7-8.
RBD maintains archives for versions of software compatible with even older operating systems.
Please keep in mind that for any legacy version of RBD software, any newer features and subsequent bug fixes will be missing.
Lifecycle FAQ – Windows | Microsoft Learn
Details for RBD’s Software Applications
PHI / Perkin Elmer System Upgrades (AugerScan and AugerMap)
Minimum Windows Version Recommended: Windows 7
RBD maintains versions of AugerScan and AugerMap that are compatible with Windows XP. We can provide versions that may be compatible with Windows 95 and 98, however driver support may not be possible, depending what interface cards are used in the upgrade.
For RBD 147 Interface Cards in the PCI format, drivers are available for Windows XP, and Windows 7-11 32 and 64 bits.
For RBD 147 Interface Cards in the PCI format, drivers are available for Windows 7-11, 32 and 64 bits.
9103 USB Picoammeter
Minimum Windows Version Recommended: Windows 10
RBD maintains versions of the Actuel application for the 9103 that are compatible with Windows XP. There are no versions available for earlier operating systems.
(The 9103 USB Picoammeter itself is compatible with any operating system supported by the FTDI USB drivers if you chose to code/script your own custom application)
microCMA Compact Auger Analyzer
Minimum Windows Version Recommended: Windows 10
CMapp for the microCMA Compact Auger Analyzer is currently only compatible with Windows 10. While older versions may run on Windows 7 – 8, it is highly recommended that these are not used, as subsequent versions provide much better safety mechanisms for hardware control.
As always, contact RBD here for any questions you may have or versions of software you do not see available on the website.