Refurbished PHI 5600 XPS System w/ Monocrhomator

Completely reconditioned | Meets or exceeds original specifications | Includes a one-year warranty.

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Affordable X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

This Physical Electronics 5600 system is a perfect chemical surface analysis instrument for a university or start-up. X-ray Photo-Electron Spectroscopy (XPS) is a widely used surface analysis technique based on the photoelectric effect. The average depth of analysis is approximately 5 nm.

All RBD refurbished XPS systems are completely reconditioned, meet or exceed original specifications, and include a one-year warranty. Installation is included for customers in the U.S. and is optional for international customers. Our acquisition and data manipulation software is Windows 10 compatible. Ongoing parts and service support ensures that your investment will continue to provide you with valuable surface related information on your samples for many years to come.

5600 Specifications


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5600 XPS System XPS Data


5600 System Includes:

  • Dual anode Mg/Al 15 kV X-ray source
  • 150mm hemispherical analyzer with high-count rate 16 channel multi-channel detector
  • Vacuum chamber with 220 l/s ion pump and turbo pump, base vacuum 5 X 10 e-10 Torr
  • Load lock / sample manipulator can accept samples of up to 2" in diameter
  • Variable analysis areas from 75 µM to 3 x 10 mm
  • Sputter ion gun for sample cleaning and depth profiles
  • Standard dual anode 15kV Al / Mg X-ray source is optional


Environmental requirements:

  • Magnetic fields: less than 0.3 µT (3 mG) peak-to-peak, alternating field, less than 1G static field
  • Relative humidity: less than 70%
  • Temperature: 20° C +2 / -5° C
  • Heat dissipation: 3,000 W under typical operating conditions, 10,000 W additional during system bakeout


Utility requirements:

  • 200-240 VAC, 1 phase, 50-60 Hz, 50 A (to be hardwired to separate 60 A branch circuit by customer)
  • Dry nitrogen: 0.279 kg/cm2 (4 psi) max
  • Compressed air: 5.6 to 7.0 kg/cm2 at 0.17 m3/hr (80 to 100 psi at 0.1 CFM), pressure-regulated