Card rack power supplies

RBD Instruments recommends that you measure and also document the voltages on your card rack power supplies (located on the back right-hand electronic bay on most PHI systems) at least once per year. By monitoring these voltages you can notice trends that can indicate a problem with the card rack power supplies before those problems become evident by system performance issues. And, if you are having a high level problem with your system (such as no data), measuring the card rack power supplies is one of the first troubleshooting steps that you will need to perform.

The two power supplies on the card rack door in the back of the electronics rack are:

  1. Pioneer Magnetics power supply (also referred to in PHI documentation as the OEM Power supply)
  2. Specialty power supply that provides +/- 240 V DC, +/- 18 V DC and -5.2 V DC voltages

The Pioneer Magnetics supply outputs are shown below.

oem power supply output test points

oem power supply output test points
pioneer magnetics power supply

pioneer magnetics power supply

oem power supply outputs

oem power supply outputs


















The Specialty power supply outputs are shown below.

Specialty supply outputs

Specialty supply outputs








RBD Instruments provides repair and exchange services for both the Pioneer Magnetics OEM power supply and the PHI specialty supply.

Have a qualified electronics technician measure and record the voltages at the points shown in the table below. Save this information with your system maintenance records as part of your Physical Electronics X-ray photoelectron or Auger electron spectrometer preventative maintenance program.

Card rack power supply Preventive Maintenance form

Card rack power supply Preventive Maintenance form