Heat exchanger preventive maintenance

The 16-020 and 16-050 heat exchangers that are used with many Physical Electronics X-ray sources require a minimal amount of preventive maintenance to ensure that they provide sufficient cooling power.

Typically, the only maintenance that is performed is that the water filter and deionizer cartridge are replaced when the leakage current starts to creep up above 3-to-5mA. The deionizer cartridge helps to maintain the high resistivity of the distilled water that is circulated out to the x-ray source and back to the water tank via the radiator heat exchanger.

Note that the old 12″ Millipore housings that worked with the blue DI cartridges have a centering tab and that will push up on the new White deionizers. If you are replacing an original blue deionizer with the new white one, then you need to cut out the bottom of the original housing as otherwise the new deionizer can break and cause leakage of the mixed bed material into the water. Or, you can replace the 12″ original housing with new 12″ housing that is the correct size for the new deionizers. Contact RBD Instruments for more information about the 12″ deionizer and housing.

As shown in the pictures at the bottom of this post, one thing that is not obvious but should be checked once a year is the space between the cooling fan (in the 16-020) or fan blade (in the 16-050) and the radiator heat exchanger. Dust can collect on the fins of the heat exchanger radiator, which in turn can significantly reduce the cooling capacity of the heat exchanger.

Heat exchanger radiator cleaning procedure:

  1. Turn off the 32-095, 32-096, or 50-096 X-ray source control. This will ensure that the pump motor or air fan does not turn on.
  2. For the 16-050, trace the power cord back to the system and unplug it.
  3. Take the top cover off and remove the 4 screws that hold the cooling fan to the heat exchanger radiator. Unplug the fan power connector and set the fan aside.
  4. For the 16-020, turn the circuit breaker in the back of the unit to OFF.
  5. Remove the side panel to get better access to the heat exchanger radiator.
  6. Use a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner to remove any built-up dust from the heat exchanger radiator fins. If the fins have been bent from lack of care when removing the filter or deionizer cartridges, straighten the fins out with a small needle-nosed pliers or flat tweezers.
  7. For the 16-050, reinstall the fan. If the fan does not spin freely or makes a grinding noise when operated, it should be replaced as a preventive measure. Here is a link to a replacement fan: http://www.alliedelec.com/search/productdetail.aspx?SKU=70103674

Replacement parts for the heat exchanger (such as the deionizer and filter cartridges, flow switch and pump) are available from RBD Instruments at this link: Heat exchanger deionizer parts

Flow rate adjustment procedure:

If the pump has been replaced it needs to be adjusted to the proper flow rate. For the original Procon pumps you need to remove the acorn nut to get access to the adjustment screw. The new RBD replacement pumps do not have an acorn nut. Turn the screw CW to raise the flow rate and CCW to lower the flow rate.

There are 2 possible flow rates depending on which model of X-ray source(s) you have on your system.

If you have only the standard 04-500 or 04-548 15kV dual anode X-ray source, the flow rate should be set to 1.8 GPM.

If you have just the 10-550/560/610 mono source, the flow rate should be set to .9 GPM.

If you have both the standard 04-500/548 and a 10-550/560/610 mono source then the pressure should be set to .9 GPM.

Note that the flow rate is measured with the source(s) connected. The 16-050 has a built-in flow meter which makes this adjustment easy. In the case of the 16-020 (which does not have a flow meter), you need to either

1. Insert a flow meter in series for this adjustment
2. Simply disconnect the outlet of the last source in the string and drain the water into a clean bucket for 1 minute and then measure the amount of water that you collect. It is important to use a clean bucket so that you can reuse the water.

If you have leakage current problems with your source, we have found that draining all the water out of the heat exchanger and X-ray sources and replacing the water with distilled water from a grocery store will restore the water to the correct resistance. The deionizer cartridge (if it is still in good condition) will then maintain the water quality. To test for leakage current, increase the voltage on the X-ray source high voltage supply to 15kV with no power to the filaments and see what the leakage current is. Typically the leakage current should be less than 2mA if the deionizer is working properly. If the leakage current starts to get up to 3-to-5 mA then it is time to replace the deionizer cartridge. For mono sources it is recommended that the deionizer cartridge be replaced whenever the anode is replaced even if the leakage current is fine.

Keeping the heat exchanger radiator clean will help the X-ray source to run cooler, and that will extend the anode lifetime.

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2 thoughts on “Heat exchanger preventive maintenance

  1. I had to change the ion exchange filter in this thing. I remember saving a lot when buying non-branded ion-exchange resin.
    I think that original Millipore ion exchange resin was 200$.

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