The Hydraulic Quick Couplings (quick connect) used on PHI X-ray sources are Parker type SH2-62.
These couplers are used to connect the heat exchanger to the X-ray source in order to keep the anode from overheating. Over time the seals in the female coupler can fail from wear or simply drying out. When that happens you will get a steady drip of water from the coupler (not good as if water leaks into the source it will arc) .
This post will explain how to find and replace the seals in the female coupler. The male coupler is non serviceable (but also usually does not fail). Some pictures of the fitting and seals are at the bottom of this post.
There are two parts to the seal mechanism.
- A Teflon seal retainer
- A Nitrile O-ring seal
You can find these parts at any Parker distributor (Google Parker quick coupling) or by searching for the part numbers.
The Teflon seal retainer is PN MS28774-015
The Nitrile O-ring is PN 2-015 N1470-70
If you search for the part numbers you will find lots of places that carry these parts. They are very inexpensive. In fact, the next time you order parts from RBD for your PHI X-ray source just ask and we will throw some in with your order at no charge.
Once you have the parts, here is how you install them:
- Use a dental pick and dig out the Teflon spacer and O-ring
- Install the new O-ring. You can use the dental pick to guide it into the channel. Note that the O-ring needs to be towards the bottom of the coupler
- Install the new Teflon spacer using the dental pick to guide it into the channel. Note that it needs to be installed towards the top of the coupler. Also, for the Teflon spacers that I purchased for this blog post, they have a slit in them which is probably supposed to make it easier to install. However, I think it would have been easier with a solid spacer like the old one I pulled out. It was a little bit tricky but by using a screw driver I was able to flatten the slit so that it finally snapped down into the channel. You should plan on losing one or two of the Teflon spacers as you refine you technique.
Finally, here is a link to a the Parker Hydraulic Quick connect catalog – 3800-B_Hydraulic.