The differential aperture in the PHI 04-303 5kV ion source provides two functions:
- It helps to shape the ion beam.
- It restricts the gas in the ionizer, which is at a higher pressure, from entering the vacuum chamber.
The differential aperture is made from stainless steel and after years of normal use the aperture becomes sputtered away, resulting in a misshaped ion beam and higher system pressure.
RBD has designed an insert aperture that is made out of tungsten and which will last for many years.
The pictures below show a worn-out aperture and our new insert aperture.

Our 04-303 ion source rebuild service now includes this aperture as part of our rebuilding procedure.
So, when your 04-303 needs to be serviced, please contact us for more information about how our rebuild service improves the shape of the ion beam, reduces the pressure in the system for years to come, and saves you money.