50-096 X-ray source DLL installation and setup for Windows 10
The 50-096 X-ray source control uses a RS232 serial port to communicate with the PC. AugerScan talks to a Phi 50-096 DLL that in turn communicates with the 50-096. This DLL was originally written for old 32 bit XP PCs and there are some tricks involved with getting it to install and operate correctly on a Windows 10 machine.
Note that the RS232 cable needs to be a straight rough type. Most newer PCs do not have a RS232 port so you will need to get a USB to RS232 adaptor.
The steps involved are as follows:
- Copy the 50-096 DLL to the windows/SysWOW64 folder
- Register the 50-096 DLL
- Set up the Com port
Step 1. Copy the 50-096 DLL to the PC. You can copy it anywhere on the PC, but initially copy it to the AugerScan directory.
Step 2. Register the 50-096 DLL.
- Right click on the Start icon and select Command Prompt (Admin). Or if that does not work, search for Command Prompt and Run as Admin
- Type cd\Windows\SysWOW64 then press enter
- Type regSvr32 Model_50_096.dll and press enter
You should get a message that indicates that the Model_50_096.dll was registered.
Step 3. Set up the com port.
- Type Registry Editor in the search box and then run the registry editor as Admin
- Add a new string (which will add a new key)
- Name the new key ComPort
- Verify the type of key is REG_SZ
- Put in the com port number that you are connecting to the 50-096. It needs to be COM (all caps) plus the com port number. So for example, COM3.
- The 50-096 operates at 9600 baud with no parity and 8 data bits.
The 50-096 in now ready to operate with AugerScan.
Note: When first turned on, the Model 50-096 X-ray source power supply needs to be programmed to operate at 15 keV. To do this, perform the following steps:
1. Press the Local button under Control Select.
2. Press the Start button for the Water Pump.
3. Press the High Voltage button above the keypad.
4. Press the Display/Enter Setpoints button above the keypad. (LED should light.)
5. Press 1 – 5 – 0 – # on the keypad.
6. Press the remote button under Control Select. The 50-096 will retain the 15 keV setting until it is manually turned off or there is a power interruption.
Once this is set up AugerScan will automatically turn the 50-096 source on and off during and after acquisitions.
Tip: If you program in 12 or 13kV then that is what will be used when the 50-096 is turned on.